We are specialized in the measurement of analytical impacts

By applying the same calculation as media agencies, it is possible to determine the cost per action, or CPA, of the advertising space that has been allocated to the brand on influencer platforms based on the results obtained during the campaign.

of our performances are above the industry average
of our campaigns are calculated on the basis of performance media
Post - Choix A (choix préféré)
Content isn't king

If I sent you to a desert island and gave you the choice of taking your friends or your movies, you’d choose your friends.

If you chose the movies, we’d call you a sociopath.
Conversation is king – Content is just something to talk about.


Sans titre
We collaborate with a panel of experts to offer turnkey excellence

Design and branding, media relations, graphic design, crisis management, performance media, privileged technical team (photo, video) and much more.

01.One Point of Contact

And a single management ecosystem for all your projects.

02.Access to Experts

Advice, recommendations, validations, etc.

Nellie Marketing